dogs 4 months and older are required by Michigan State Law to be licensed every year. To obtain a dog license,
proof of a current rabies vaccination certificate is required.
Dog licenses are available from December 1st until June 1st.
The price for a dog license is:
1 Year - Spayed/Neutered $15.00
1 Year - Male/Female $25.00
1 Year - Spayed/Neutered - Senior $14.00
1 Year - Male/Female - Senior $23.00
3 Year - Spayed/Neutered $40.00
3 Year - Male/Female $70.00
3 Year - Spayed/Neutered - Senior $37.00
3 Year - Male/Female - Senior $64.00
Delinquent (After June 1st) 1 year $40.00
(Senior pricing is for owners 65 and older)
You can purchase your dog license with cash, check or credit card (
Please note you will pay a convenience fee for using a credit card) at the Highland Treasurer’s office Monday – Thursday
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please call us at 248-887-3791 Ext. 4 or email us at
Licenses can also be purchased online at Oakland County
Dog License Application
Please note you will pay a convenience fee for using this service on the Oakland County site.