Residents often call the Supervisor's Office to find out whether they live on a public or private road. The office references a map provided by the Road Commission for Oakland County (R.C.O.C.). Establishing whether you live on a public or private road enables you to know who is responsible for the maintenance of that road.
Residents on a private road are responsible for maintaining their private road.
Residents on a public road rely on the Road Commission of Oakland County ( R.C.O.C) to maintain their road. You can contact the R.C.O.C.'s Department of Citizen Services directly @ 248 -858-4804 or via email at
Subdivision Paving (Special Assessment District) The RCOC Subdivision Improvement and Development Division will help residents learn about the subdivision road paving process. A Special Assessment District (SAD) is a designated area where RCOC is requested to levy an assessment in exchange for road rehabilitation services. The law that authorizes road commissions SADs was adopted by the Michigan Legislature in 1931 in the form of Public Act 246. Click on link to learn about subdivision road paving
Visit their website by clicking here.
Click here for a direct link to the Gravel Road Dust Control schedule.
Click here for a direct link to Winter Road Maintenance.
Click here for a direct link to Road Projects list.
While the township holds no responsibility for the maintenance of roads within its boundaries, we do participate in the cost of chloriding private and public gravel roads. Contact the Supervisor's office, at 248-887-3791 ext. 6, for information on how to participate in the chloride program.
Private Road Treatment Policy
Highland Township currently participates in reimbursement for Private Road Chloride Treatments as follows:
(1) .30 cents per linear foot or 50% of total bill-whichever is lesser will be reimbursable
(2) Highland Township will only accept one submission per road, per year. * All submissions must be submitted no later than November 1st, and must include:
The signed Public Purpose Road Chloride Service Contract Paid Invoice to the chloride company with the linear foot of treated area. Contact information for the person that is responsible for accepting the check and responding to any inquiries.
* Multiple applications are reimbursable but must be submitted one 1 invoice to the Township-Only one reimbursement check will be issued per road, per year.
Private Road Treatment Policy-Reimbursement Form