Whether you’re starting your business, experiencing growing pains or ready to take your business to the next level Oakland County can help you. Their business consultants work with small for-profit businesses and advanced technology companies.
Oakland County can help you:
Develop feasibility studies
Create realistic monthly cash flow projections
Find appropriate level financing
Refine business and marketing plans
Define failsafe processes
Visit Oakland County at Oakland Thrive
If your interested in establishing your business within the Highland Downtown Development Authority District.
Visit their website for information on special grant programs including:
New Business Rental Subsidy Grant
Signage Grant
Façade Grant
Michigan Business Development Program:
The Michigan Business Development Program is an incentive program available from the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF), in cooperation with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). The program is designed to provide grants, loans or other economic assistance to businesses for highly competitive projects in Michigan that create jobs and/or provide investment. The State of Michigan also provides many resources visit the State's Business One Stop.
Additional resources:
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)
Water Resources Commission (WRC)