205 N. John Street, Highland Michigan 48357

Planning and Zoning

Planning and Zoning Department staff work with residents, property owners and business owners on questions regarding land use. We strive to educate applicants and smooth the process of site development from concept to construction. We provide staff support to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals by processing applications, writing agendas, preparing meeting minutes, and notices of public hearings. We review and approve proposals for land divisions, and issue permits for signs and fences. We also provide project management for Township-initiated improvements, such as parks, trails and water main extensions.

If you have a question regarding use of your property, the Planning and Zoning staff are a helpful resource. We have a wide range of mapping capabilities, through the Oakland County Geographic Information Systems utility (GIS), and maintain a library of plans, studies and design manuals to guide you in design or maintenance of your site. We can help you identify issues you should consider in planning for the best use of your property.

You can reach the Planning and Zoning Department at 
248-887-3791 x 2 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Planning and Development Director 

Elizabeth "Beth" Corwin, P.E., AICP 

Zoning Administrator
Lisa G. Burkhart, AICP 

Zoning Administrator
Kariline P. Littlebear 

Zoning Map

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Land Division and 
Private Roads

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and Engineering
Design Standards

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Zoning Variances

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Master Plan 

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Site Plan Review 

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Planning Commission Members

   Chair -  Kevin Curtis
   Vice Chair - Chris Heyn
   Secretary - A. Roscoe Smith
   Township Board Liaison - Grant Charlick
   Mike O'Leary
   Scott Temple
   Russ Tierney
   Guy York
   Michael Zeolla


   Acting Chair - David Gerathy
   Vice Chair - Michael Borg
   Secretary - Anthony Raimondo
   Planning Commission Liaison - 
   Michael Zeolla
   Robert Hoffman 
   Pete Eichinger
   Alternate Member:
   Mary Michaels

 If you would like to contact one of the Board or Commission   members please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zoning Board of Appeals Members

Pre-Application Meeting

When considering a new project, an Applicant should meet with Planning Staff to discuss the project, submittal requirements and the review process. The applicant will need to provide sufficient information prior to the meeting so that Planning Staff may identify other staff, consultants or interested parties whose early input would be beneficial to the review process. For example, depending on the complexity of your project, we might involve the Zoning Administrator, Planning Director, Township Supervisor, Building Official, Fire Marshal, Sheriff, Planning Commissioners and/or the Downtown Development Authority. Occasionally, we may call in our engineering or planning consultants, and/or representatives of outside agencies such as the OC Health Division. A pre-application meeting can be scheduled at the Applicant's convenience by contacting the Zoning Administrator at 248-887-3791, ext. 2 or by email. 

The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to provide guidance and identify issues and resources for the applicant. No approvals or decisions will result from the pre-application meeting. Comments or suggestions of staff and consultants are for the applicant's consideration and are not binding upon the Board or Commission with authority to act on the application.